Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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275 lines
by Costas Menico
; Faster string search routine to substitute the POS()
; function in Turbo Pascal 4 or 5. Based on the Boyer-Moore
; algorithm.
; Program author: Costas Menico.
; Declare as follows:
; {$F+}
; {$L search.obj}
; function posbm(pat,str:string): byte; external;
; Call as follows from Turbo 4 or Turbo 5
; location := posbm(pat, str);
skiparrlength equ 256 ; Length of the skip array
; Function work stack
dstk struc
patlen dw ? ; pattern length (also BP base work area)
strlen dw ? ; string length
skiparr db skiparrlength dup(?) ; skip array
pattxt dd 0 ; pattern address
strtxt dd 0 ; string text address
dstk ends
; Total stack (Callers plus work stack)
cstk struc
ourdata db size dstk dup(?); work stack size
bpsave dw 0 ; save bp here
retaddr dd 0 ; points to return address
straddr dd 0 ; points to string address
pataddr dd 0 ; points to pattern address
cstk ends
paramsize equ size pataddr + size straddr ; Size of parameter list.
public posbm ; Function name declaration
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code
; ---- Entry point to POSBM function.
posbm proc far
push bp ; Save BP
sub sp, size dstk ; Create work area
mov bp, sp ; Adjust our base pointer
push ds ; Save callers data segment
xor ah, ah ; Clear register and
cld ; Set direction flag
; Get and save the length and address of the pattern
lds si, [bp.pataddr];
mov word ptr [bp.pattxt][2], ds
lodsb ; Get length of pattern (1 byte)
or al, al ; If pattern length is null then exit
jne notnullp
jmp nomatch
mov cx, ax ; Save length to check if 1 later.
mov [bp.patlen], ax ; Save length of pattern
mov word ptr [bp.pattxt], si; Save address
; Get and save the length and address of the string text
lds si, [bp.straddr]
mov word ptr [bp.strtxt][2], ds
lodsb ; Get length of string
or al, al ; If string text is null then exit
jne notnulls
jmp nomatch
mov [bp.strlen], ax ; Save length of string
mov word ptr [bp.strtxt], si; Save address
cmp cx, 1 ; Is length of pattern 1 char?
jne do_boyer_moore ; No - Do Boyer-Moore.
lds si, [bp.pattxt] ; Yes - Do a straight search.
lodsb ; Get the single character pattern.
les di, [bp.strtxt] ; Get the address of the string.
mov cx, [bp.strlen] ; Get length of string.
repne scasb ; Search.
jz match1 ; Found - Adjust last DI pos.
jmp nomatch ; Not Found - Exit.
mov si, di ; Transfer DI pos to SI.
sub si, 2 ; Adjust SI position.
jmp exactmatch ; Determin offset
; Fill the ascii character skiparray with the
; length of the pattern
lea di, [bp.skiparr] ; Get skip array address
mov dx, ss
mov es, dx
mov al,byte ptr [bp.patlen] ; Get size of pattern
mov ah,al ; Put in to AH as well
mov cx, skiparrlength / 2 ; Get size of array
rep stosw ; Fill with length of pat
; Replace in the ascii skiparray the corresponding
; character offset from the end of the pattern minus 1
lds si, [bp.pattxt] ; Get pattern address
lea bx, [bp.skiparr]; Get skip array address
mov cx, [bp.patlen] ; Get length minus one.
dec cx
mov bx, bp ; save BP
lea bp, [bp.skiparr]; Get skip array address
xor ah, ah
lodsb ; Get character from pattern
mov di, ax ; Use it as an index
mov [bp+di], cl ; Store its offset in to skip array
loop fill_skiparray
mov di, ax
mov [bp+di], cl ; Store the last skip value
mov bp, bx ; Recover BP
; Now initialize our pattern and string text pointers to
; start searching
lds si, [bp.strtxt] ; Get the string address.
lea di, [bp.skiparr]; Get the skip array address.
mov dx, [bp.strlen] ; Get the string length.
dec dx ; minus 1 for eos check.
mov ax, [bp.patlen] ; Get the pattern length.
dec ax ; Starting skip value.
xor bh, bh ; Zero high of BX.
std ; Set to reverse compare.
; Get character from text. Use the character as an index
; in to the skip array, looking for a skip value of 0 .
; If found, execute a brute force search on the pattern.
sub dx, ax ; Check if string exhausted.
jc nomatch ; Yes - no match.
add si, ax ; No - slide pattern with skip value.
mov bl, [si] ; Get character, use as an index
mov al, ss:[di+bx] ; and get the new skip value.
or al, al ; If 0, then possible match
jne searchlast ; try again by sliding to right.
; We have a possible match, therefore
; do the reverse Brute-force compare
mov bx, si ; Save string address.
mov cx, [bp.patlen] ; Get pattern length.
les di, [bp.pattxt] ; Get pattern address
dec di ; adjust
add di, cx ; and add to point to eos.
repe cmpsb ; Do reverse compare.
je exactmatch ; If equal we found a match
mov ax, 1 ; else set skip value to 1.
lea di, [bp.skiparr]; Get address of skip array.
mov si, bx ; Get address of string.
xor bh, bh ; No - Zero high of BX.
jmp short searchlast ; Try again.
mov ax, si ; Save current position in string.
lds si, [bp.strtxt] ; Get start of strtxt.
sub ax, si ; Subtract and add 2 to get position
add ax, 2 ; in strtxt where pattern is found.
jmp short endsearch ; Exit function
xor ax, ax ; No match, return a 0
pop ds ; Recover DS for Turbo Pascal
mov sp, bp ; Recover last stack position.
add sp, size dstk ; Clear up work area.
pop bp ; Recover BP
ret paramsize ; Return with ax the POSBM value.
posbm endp
code ends
{ -- Benchmark program to demonstrate the speed difference
-- between the POS() in Turbo Pascal 4 or 5 brute-force
-- and the Boyer-Moore Method function POSBM()
-- Program Author: Costas Menico
program search;
uses dos,crt;
{ -- Link in the POSBM Boyer-Moore function -- }
function posbm(pat,str:string):byte; external;
{ Prints bencmark timing information }
procedure showtime(s:string; t: registers);
writeln(s,' Hrs:',t.ch,' Min:',t.cl,' Sec:',t.dh,' Milsec:',t.dl);
pat,str: string;
start,finish: registers;
longloop = 2000;
{ -- Create a random string of length 255 -- }
for i:=1 to 255 do str[i]:=chr(random(255)+1);
{ -- Initialize a pattern string with the last five characters
-- in the random string as the pattern to search for. -- }
{ -- First do a search with the regular POS function -- }
writeln('Search using Brute-Force Method');
start.ah := $2c;
msdos(start); { -- Get start time -- }
for j:=1 to longloop do
i:=pos(pat,str); { -- Do search a few times Brute-Force -- }
finish.ah := $2c; { -- Get finish time -- }
showtime('Start ',start); { -- Show start time -- }
showtime('Finish',finish); { -- Show finish time -- }
writeln('Pattern found at =',i); { -- Print string position -- }
{ -- Now do search with the POSBM() (Boyer-Moore) function -- }
writeln('Search using Boyer-Moore Method');
start.ah := $2c;
msdos(start); { -- Get start time -- }
for j:=1 to longloop do
i:=posbm(pat,str);{ -- Do search a few times Boyer-Moore -- }
finish.ah := $2c; { -- Get finish time -- }
showtime('Start ',start); { -- Show start time -- }
showtime('Finish',finish); { -- Show finish time -- }
writeln('Pattern found at =',i); { -- Print string position -- }
writeln('DONE.. PRESS ENTER');